5 Things to Always Check Out When Buying a Home

Things to always check out when buying a home

1.) The roof.

Two things here. What’s the condition of the roof and how many layers of shingles If there are already two layers of shingles you will have to tear off all layers and re-roof. If there is just one layer you can re-roof over it.

2.) The septic system or sewer line

It is possible to have a septic issue and not know it, especially if you are buying a home that has been used as a second home.

3.) Latent moisture.

Looks like an old leak, and it might be. But there still could be mold behind the wall

4.) Water quality and quantity

Will you have enough water and is your water drinkable Not as much of an issue when you have city water but if you are on a well its important to understand quality and quantity.

5.) Radon levels

Radon is an invisible gas that EPA studies shows can cause cancer. Its has been around since the beginning of time. Some homes have very high radon levels and while it might not be a concern to you, you will have to address it when you go to sell your home. Best to know before you buy.